"I just want to be happy"
I hear this all the time from my clients.
Life's challenges come in different ways and to different degrees - and it's all hard.
Depression, anxiety, bereavement .... they barge their way into life, uninvited.
Some clients struggle to get out of bed, others can't function like they use to do. Things just feel flat or out of sync.
I'm a certified counsellor with years of experience, and whatever your struggle, talking therapy may be your answer.

Therapy involves noticing and sometimes challenging the ways we think about ourselves, our past and our way of being in the present. Over time this awareness can help us find a greater inner resilience and act in ways which are true to ourselves.
Working with a counsellor offers a trusting and supportive space to focus on what's going on for you.
I bring all of me into my work, I am present and transparent, often reflecting personal examples that may illuminate a place where you are feeling stuck or to help you feel less isolated.
I am right there with you.

I believe that to truly see change in how we feel and act within relationships, we have to engage in deepening our self-awareness.
This is why I focus on helping you heal rather than teaching you skills.
I work face-2-face or remotely via Zoom or Teams.
I also offer 'walk & talk' in Mowsbury Park and other local areas

“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment”